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Writer's pictureDavid LeBlanc

Top 5 Keys In Promoting Your Health, Wellness or Beauty Business

1. Know Thy Target Audience

Be specific and razor-focused in your content and marketing from your website, social media, and blog so you are writing to those who are most likely interested in what you do.

2. Get "Social"!

Marketing your health, wellness or beauty business can be a pain but is critically important so your target audience (i.e. ideal clients) know you exist, what you offer, what makes you different and how to find you. For businesses for example such as aesthetics and nutrition, Instagram is a great platform as it's visual providing you with a means to share photos of your work (e.g. facials, nails, lash & brows, food and meals, etc.).

3. Responsive Website

More and more clients are surfing the web using their mobile smartphones and tablets thus your website needs to look good, render well and be appealing on all devices. Often clients make an emotional or spontaneous decision to book a service including nails, hair, lashes and brows, massage therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc., and their phone is often the quickest and easiest means to book that adhoc appointment. With more than 50% of web use on mobile devices, make sure your website is setup to meet this important client needs.

4. Email Is Alive and Kicking!

A well-designed website should also capture email addresses so you can leverage them into your own email marketing campaigns. On social media, you don't own anything and you are at risk of losing followers and contacts should a platform decide to close down. Plus, they seem to always be changing their algorithms and continually keeping up to date on playing the "ad" or "boost" game is frustrating. With email, you own your list and contacts and are in control of how and when you wish to reach out to them. Many website content platforms ,such as Wix, have integrated and automated email marketing features making it easy for you to send generic or customized email campaigns to your contacts, all from within your website. Easy!

5. Partner Up!

Partnering with other professionals can expand your network and increase your exposure to new potential clients within your field. Whether you host your own podcast or webinar and invite another professional or be a guest speaker on someone else's, this can expand your credibility, followers and potential new clients.




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